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Get Greater Meaning in Your 40s and Why It Matters

Author - Tony Fields

#Business #Mindset

If you are in your 40s now, you will agree that these years of your life are more challenging than what you have experienced before. But irrespective of the circumstances, it is a perfect time for you to find greater meaning in your life.

The 40s are a period when one can reach their peak and find new meaning in ...

author Tony Fields

Pick of the Day


How To Stop Worrying About What Others Think

#Mindset #Relationships

In this day and age of social media, people have never been open to criticism and other people's opinions as much as they are ...


moments on the diary of a ceo that changed my life

#Mindset #Lifestyle

In this episode Stephen re visits 4 moments on the Diary Of A Ceo that inspired him and changed his life. The idea of these snipp ...

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A thought for your day

Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results - Narcotics Anonymous