If you are in your 40s now, you will agree that these years of your life are more challenging than what you have experienced before. But irrespective of the circumstances, it is a perfect time for you to find greater meaning in your life.
The 40s are a period when one can reach their peak and find new meaning in their life. Many people in this age group are in a transition phase where they are not sure what to do next.
It is important that they change their mindset and find ways to get greater meaning in their lives. They can do so by being an active mentor, making a commitment to something they are passionate about, helping others who are less fortunate than them, finding fulfillment through work and their career, and by not listening to the advice of others.
You may also be one of those people who is juggling and has always struggled to find the right balance. If this is the case, then a great place to start is to pin-point exactly what you want to change.
You can read my full post titled - 7 Ways to Get Greater Meaning in Your 40’s and Why It Matters on my blog The Katalyst Coach. It covers changing your mindset, being an active mentor and committing to something you're passionate about.
To help I have created a free guide called my Wheel of Balance guide. Available to download from my blog, The Katalyst Coach.