On Purpose With Jay Shetty

  • #Lifestyle
  • #Health

Jay Shetty is a well-known author, storyteller, and former monk who is the host of the popular On Purpose with Jay Shetty podcast. Jay's podcast covers a wide range of topics related to personal growth, relationships, mindfulness, and spirituality. Jay is known for his ability to blend ancient wisdom with modern science, providing practical insights and advice for navigating life's challenges. His guests range from well-known celebrities to experts in their respective fields, all sharing their experiences and knowledge on various topics. The content covered in the On Purpose with Jay Shetty podcast is valuable for anyone looking to improve their mental and emotional wellbeing, cultivate mindfulness, and build stronger relationships.

Featured VIDEO

Do you have a monkey mind ?

#Mindset #Lifestyle

Video Description

In this video Jay talks about having a monkey mind, jumping from one idea to another rather than having a monk mind that creates focus and lasting results. If you struggle with focus and sticking to habits, then this lighthearted video is for you.

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