Live Like A Legend By Andy Proudman

  • #Lifestyle
  • #Business

Live Like a Legend podcast is hosted by Me and My Golf co-founder and entrepreneur Andy Proudman. The podcast features interviews with athletes, entrepreneurs, and influencers who share their experiences, insights, and strategies for success. Andy's podcast is aimed at bringing value to a wide range of individuals, from entrepreneurs seeking inspiration and advice from successful business leaders, to anyone interested in personal growth and development. So whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur seeking guidance on how to develop your start-up, or someone who simply wants to learn from the best and live life to the fullest, the Live Like a Legend podcast is for you.

Featured EPISODE

How achieving your goals may NOT make you happy

#Mindset #Lifestyle

Episode Description

We constantly set goals and naturally assume that when we have reached them we will be happy, however this isn't always the case. In this episode Andy talks about Goals reached and why this doesn't always mean instant happiness.

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