A bit of optimism with Simon Sinek

  • #Lifestyle
  • #Health

Simon Sinek is a globally recognized author, speaker, and consultant who has become known for his insights into leadership, business strategy, and personal development. He is the author of several best-selling books, including Start with Why, which has sold millions of copies worldwide and has become a must-read book for anyone in business. He is also the host of the A Bit of Optimism podcast, where he shares stories and insights to help people find meaning and purpose in their lives. With his unique perspective on leadership and personal growth, Sinek has inspired millions of people around the world to live more fulfilling and purposeful lives.

Featured EPISODE

Confidence with Sara Blakely

#Mindset #Entrepreneurship

Episode Description

In this episode Simon talks to Sara Blakely the founder of the lingerie empire Spanx about having the confidence to achieve great things and have the confidence in there own ability to succeed.

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